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Runar Trygve

Runar Trygve (a.k.a. The scientist)

His name is Runar, and is originally from Virkhagen, thou he isn't really willing to admit this. He prefers to keep it as a secret, because saying who he truly is could get him killed. His relation with his brother is actually pretty dangerous. He's reservated but still a joyful person, that loves to help.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Runar's body is slim and thin, since he never got under a physical training or did sports, things like that.
He got no muscles on his limbs that are noticeable, but he can manage to run fast or to do normal house chores, such as lifting furniture.

Body Features

He has the body of a normal human, making him "weird" near people like enderians or fairies.

Facial Features

Runar's face is soft and has, in contrast to that feature, a hard face outline, that is decorated by his slight signs of a beard, which is also blonde, like his hair.
He presents some moles on his face, and has freckles, but they aren't really noticeable.

Identifying Characteristics

Probably, his red eyes (the same as his brother's) are the most important identifying features that he has.
Apart from that, he is often dressed with his white coat, because he works a lot.

Special abilities

He has a special ability in making potions, as I already mentioned before. He is specialized in this and has a book with all the recipes written in it.

Apparel & Accessories

Other than his white coat, he carries around on his waist a little bag, where he puts his important things.
On the belt there is also space to put in some potions that he made, so it's more handy to get them, in case he could be in danger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Runar was born in Virkhagen, and was the oldest brother of the family where they lived in six. He had a little brother and sister, and one of them is Rekker. He really liked him, they were close and both liked the idea of helping people, in a way or another.
Runar was more of a nerdy type; He wanted to help by giving aid with his knowledge. The other way around, Rekker wanted to use his body, becoming a soldier against the will of their worried parents. He has to admit, that Runar too didn't really love the idea. But it was what he wanted to pursue in life.
The rest of his years in Virkhagen were fullfilled by studying, trying to achieve his goal.
One day, not so far from the present, Runar's family recieved a letter, in which was written that his brother's body hasn't been found after a long fight. Meaning that he was missing, and that his family was in danger, because of the brother's "fame".
For these events, Runar decided to run away from the city and transfer to Ephyrae, where he isn't known and won't (hopefully) be questioned anything or be in danger.


Runar's sexuality isn't something that he was ever worried about. So he dosen't even think that much about it, and does not have a specific label.


He got a degree in alchemy, and then stopped his studies there to try and find a place to work. He chose Ephyrae, where he will build is own shop. He has yet to decide if it will be his house too, or another place.


He is willing to work to be a potion maker, he's currently trying to stipulate a collaboration with anyone who is interested, or with someone that can procure him materials better. Someday he won't be working in his basement, hopefully.

Mental Trauma

The "loss" of his brother has really affected his way of viewing the world, that is now darker. He really cares for his health and was already sick of him being in the army, it made Runar heavily worried about his state.
Because of his lost, he now is more of a "big bro" for everyone, he tends to be overprotective or too clingy without realizing.

Intellectual Characteristics

He's not a "smart in life" person, but more of a bookworm. He may not be able to explain simple relationship problems that people occur to have, but can list all the possible ingredients to make any kind of potion by heart.

Personality Characteristics


A motivation that he has is the possibility to find his brother again, because he will never believe that he is dead. He just cannot be for Runar. So he will go on for him, to not let Rekker down.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves alchemy, potions, and the smell of fresh food. He also likes cooking and does so a lot.
He dosen't really like dirty people, nor getting dirty himself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Runar isn't great at speaking with a lot of people, or holding conversations for many minutes without the help of the other person, by introducing new topics to talk about. He may result embarassed or silent when he has no clue of what to say. Another flaw that he has but tries to hide, is the fact that he tries to correct people on things that they vaguely talk about if they make some mistakes.


He is very fond of Hygiene, also because his job requires a high attention to that. So he always washes his hands before doing something, and he dosen't really like getting into farm work or going in the mines if he dosen't have to.


Contacts & Relations

As stated in his family ties, he dosen't have any contact with anyone yet. He now is friends with Moore, Alice and Fuyuko, people he talked to and helped.

Family Ties

He dosen't have much contact with his family anymore. Since he left, he isn't willing of sending mails to his mother, nor his sister and father.
About his brother, Rekker, he thought for a long time that he was dead. But he found him again, they met and reunited with a smile on their faces.

Religious Views

Like a stereotypical scientist, Runar dosen't rely on religion to explain some facts or specific events in time. It's not a hate for gods or spiritual views of things, but he just dosen't get it. He dosen't know, so he is "agnostic".


Runar is most likely a very riservated person, that dosen't really understand the need to have physical contact with others, over than family. He behaves like a cat, so he won't interrupt people and likes better to just listen to conversations.

Hobbies & Pets

His current pet is called Razor, and is a domestic wolf!
He's also planning on getting an horse.


Runar speaks in a simple way, he has a calming voice that will rarely get an angry tone.

Runar is a "young" man of 26 years old, that is very interested in potions and science, and wants to make a profit out of it.

Character Location
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Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He has a degree in alchemy, that allows him to prepare potions and has a huge knowledge about them. He's not very good at searching the ingredients though.
26 yrs old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'7 ft.
147,7 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
In answer to Rekker saying that him and Ranger are partners, he replied:

-"Partners likee what? You guys work together? That's great!"-
Known Languages
Like his brother, because of his family's roots, he knows actual italian, and english. He dosen't like to speak a dialect thought, because it dosen't sound great, and he can't speak them that well.

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My first day as a new man.

Starting back over, going in somewhere new which you know nothing about nor someone. I believe that i felt like a baby, scared to actually make that step to begin a new part of my ordinary life. It's because of that. Because it was so ordinary, that i didn't ever think that i would've had to change that.   My introvert self was screaming at me, when i got to see Ephyrae for the first time. What if i met someone on the way? I had no clue if someone was after me because of what happened, and the time to get to my new home felt so slow that it creeped me out. When i closed the door behind me, i felt a big relief.   -"Finally i can breathe."-   It didn't take long to me to find furniture to make my house feel more like something closer to my personality. Even right now it's still pretty bland, maybe i should ask Moore some tips on how to improve it.   That day i just wanted a break, if i could, i would've disconnected my brain temporarily.   The days after were pretty exhausting thought, because i needed to go into the local mines and gather food, but i met Alice and Moore in the meantime, and i'm glad for that. Alice also indirectly helped me to find my brother, Rekker, that i believed was dead. It was such a relief, like i had enourmous weights on me removed.   If i meet them again, i should probably say thanks, but maybe it would be weird...


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