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Tara Tu

Tara Tu

Tara awoke in a new world. An unfamiliar one. After wandering into Virkhagen, she stumbles upon the Vihreä Kristalli Conservatory where she reads a book of a place called Ephyrae. Pulled towards Ephyrae's rich artistic culture and strong religious presence, she decides to travel there in hopes of finding answers that reveal who she is and what her past life was like.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A 7in speedy midget with short purple hair.

Facial Features

Purple eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Purple hair

Special abilities

Able to climb up walls and ride on other player's shoulders

Apparel & Accessories

Green plaid dress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tara is amnestic and doesn't remember her past. But the few memories that she picks up suggest she is not on her first life.

Gender Identity



You really think Tara is smart enough to be educated??


Professional forgettor who is trying to remember.

Failures & Embarrassments

Too many...

Mental Trauma

nothing to say here... i mean it... (O_O;)

Intellectual Characteristics

ok this is just bullying now

Morality & Philosophy

Very religious. Tara believes that every question has an answer and Alaran knows all answers.

A violet butterfly living in Ephyrae whois piecing together memories of her past life.

Character Location
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Dark Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7 inches
10 grams

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«5» Reconstruction

The outside of the house is deceiving. It's empty, lonely, dark.   My hands can't hold still. Down with the door. Stone arches. Three stories. Storage area. Bedroom. Garden. That's more like it. The new home is complete.   [unfinished]

«4» A New Place to Call Home

I step foot into Sunhearth for the first time. It's too big for someone like me to explore all at once.   "Hey!"   Someone's here. Who. Witch... what was it again. "Witch Dancer?"   "How do you know my name?!"   "I... don't know."   "Whatever! Are you going house shopping?"   "House shopping?"   "Yeah! You're new to Eph right?"   "I suppose so."   "Come! I'll show you around-give you the whole tour."   Witch Dancer... He's a fox. Super fast. Kind. Energetic.   A little red house catches my eye. It's a bit further from the rest. Closer to the docks, further from the... energy. I need time and space to process, to remember.

«3» Journey to Ephyrae

"Al§r§n embodies all that is light and fair in the world."   ❋ I hear footsteps outside my dorm room. Its her. She's back from her ancient literature class. "§§§§§! How was lit?" "Ugh... Boring as usual". "Hmm, why don't you tell me about §§§§§§§ then?" §§§§§§§, a sacred scripture belonging to my ancestors. One about reincarnation and the preservation of memories. Things I have yet to understand...   I keep reading. Ephyrae, candles, fire, The Ecclesia of Dawn, Alaran...   I need to find them. Whoever they are. They hold the answers I seek. I can feel it.   Virkhagen, I can stay no longer. The cold isn't for me. My heart longs to be warmed.   I am once again drawn like a magnet towards a something, somewhere, someone...   I paddle through oceans, climb snowly peaks, hike through forests for what feel like weeks. No... months.   In the distance, a silhouette of a city. Sunhearth, the castle of Ephyrae. The colorful homes line the sides of the mountain and the golden glow of the setting sun illuminate the streets. I haven't even met its people yet but I know this is home.   I've made it.

«2» Vihreä Kristalli Conservatory

The walls of Virkhagen loom above me. Are they too big or am I too small? After gathering some carrots and potatoes I begin exploring the village. It's quiet... I suppose its natural everyone would want to stay out of this chilly weather.   In the distance I see a large building with a strong stone base and large spruce pillars. Inside, books cover the walls and my foot steps echo. I brush the dust off of a half opened scripture. "A§§r§§..."   Who is Al§r§§?

«1» Rough Beginnings

My head hurts... my body aches. The sun is too bright, I can barely open my eyes. I feel my way out the the wheat field to find three portals. Aremore, Ephyrae, Virkhagen.   Something about the snow...the cold.... I'm pulled towards it.


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