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Tobias (a.k.a. Toby)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and lanky. On average, Enderians can have 2-5 times the muscle density of the average human, giving them large amounts of strength and durability to make up for their naturally thin limbs. Though Tobias looks a bit malnourished, and any defined muscle is difficult to see.

Body Features

Small nubby horns that sit just under his hairline, with marks indicating they have been sanded down. A long thin tail with a small plume of fur at the end, the same color as his hair. Nails on his hands are naturally pointed and darker than his skin. Thin digitigrade legs with small, cat-like paws.

Facial Features

A narrow face with slightly hollow cheeks and slightly sunken eyes. Large rounded eyes that have an unnerving bioluminescence, especially at night. Eyes have no sclera (white part), and the pupil is white. A wide button nose with not much of a nose bridge. Long rounded ears that are very expressive, the left has a small notch in the membrane close to his face. Many small, sharp teeth with eight larger canines.   Tobias can unhinge his jaw, but it would tear his cheeks open.

Identifying Characteristics

Tobias has shockingly bright white hair, uncommon for Enderians. He constantly dyes a strip of it different colors almost every week.

Physical quirks

Can see out of both eyes, though his left is very blurry. When talking to someone, Tobias tends to slightly tilt his head to focus on the person more with his right eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears a pair of large goggles. The lenses are tinted one-way only, so his eyes are not visible.     Does not wear shoes due to leg/foot anatomy, instead has a custom variation of toe-less socks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The six years before Tobias arrived in Ephyrae have been subconsciously blocked out. He's not currently aware that he's lost any time at all. His current memories consist of a vague recollection of growing up with his haunting, and waking up in Ephyrae.

Gender Identity

Cisgender male, but doesn't really understand or care about his own gender identity. Usually just looks very androgynous.


Tobias doesn’t have any experience with any kind of attraction towards others. He is not aro/ace, he just doesn’t know anything yet.   (pan-romantic, demisexual)


Besides the basic survival skills taught by his haunting, Tobias has practically no knowledge of the Overworld. His friend Bailey has been attempting to teach him.


The newest recruit(?) to the Ephyraean Architectural Guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

The chicken incident.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tobias is very curious, but equally as cautious. Although his curiosity occasionally wins over his cautiousness. His biggest motivation is his need to know and understand the world around him.

Morality & Philosophy

A very "live and let live" attitude.


Considers purposefully looking into Enderman's eyes as incredibly rude. He has a personal rule of avoiding touching other's with his tail, unless they happen to be friends.

Personality Characteristics


Hopes to someday find out what happened to his mothers and his haunting, and if they are still alive. Tirelessly searches for a way back into the End, even if he knows it's impossible.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Cornflower blue (color) Bees     Dislikes: Endermites & Silverfish Chickens


Very picky about hygiene. Hates sticky textures, especially in his tail fur.


Family Ties

Tobias is searching for how to get his haunting back.

Social Aptitude

Quiet by nature, Tobias doesn't like to draw attention to himself. He tries as much as possible to avoid conflicts and doesn't like to take sides. Prefers to observe or "study" unfamiliar people until he has a good understanding of their personality, and only afterwards will he fully engage with them.


He tends to hold his hands in front of him in a sort of "wringing hands" position, or he's fidgeting with some small object. His tail is almost always moving, usually twitching and waving slightly when he stands still. He sometimes subconsciously wraps it around nearby objects/friends. His ears are in near-constant motion and are very expressive. He uses a large variety of nonverbal noises as a way of communicating, usually as warbles, chirps, or grumbles.

Hobbies & Pets

A white cat named Molly, a tuxedo cat named Khajit, a black cat named Orion, and a border collie named Cerberus. A pigeon named Bread.


Often takes a while to think of responses, much to the annoyance of the people he speaks with. He has a difficult time noticing "entrance cues" and frequently disrupts the flow of conversation. He can go a long time not talking without realizing it, due to the fact that he just doesn't have anything to say. Tobias is conversationally tone-deaf, and struggles to pick up on emotional subtexts.

One of Ephyrae's resident Enderians. He is constantly looking for new information.

Character Location
Neutral Stupid
Date of Birth
Middle of Winter
The End
Current Residence
Male ( he / they / it )
Very pale blue (#DDDFFF)
White, occasionally stained by dyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray with a purple tint (#A991B1)
7'6" ft
Known Languages
His birth language is Galactic/"Endspeak", though fluent in Common and currently trying to learn (enchantment table).

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