While the firm started as a bank, its legal services has become a significan part of their revenue. Their clients are often the ultra rich who seek someone to both handle investments and deal with any legal issues related to them. A&F are more than happy to provide that and more to those who can pay their exorbant fees.   Poor people can't afford Asukaga & Finch. In fact, not even the moderately wealthy can. They are the best of the best and they charge accordingly.
Alternative Names
Merill, Asukaga & Finch (former)
New York, NUSA
Notable Offices
Night City, Northern California, NUSA
San Francisco, Northern California, NUSA
Berkeley (Asukaga Law School), Southern California, NUSA
Los Angeles, Southern California, NUSA
Chicago, Illinois, NUSA
Tokyo, Japan
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Munich, Germany
Rome, Italy


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