
A very tech-savvy party-goer whose entire life seems to be couch-surfing and style. No one is quite sure how they get their money or where they are most of the time. Yet, Eclipse has an uncanny ability to show up where the latest cultural movements happen on street level, way before they hit the mainstream. Their sense of style is usually ahead of the curve.   The only negative things usually said about Eclipse have to do with suspicion around their character. As much as they show up out of nowhere when something's going down, they also vanish whenever things get heated or they just don't want to be found. They're rumored to have a dozen lovers at any given time, but few are able to verify a single one. They've given many different areas of the city as their home, but haven't been spotted on the streets. All this mystery has only added to their popularity.   Their long tech hair is a saturated rainbow of colors, which meshes well with the various patterns that appear across their body along with various temperature and hormonal shifts. Many have tried to figure out exactly what lines and hues means they're attracted to who they're talking to, but so far there are just competing theories.


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