John Meyer

Mayer didn't reach his position in Arasaka Internal Security's management by coddling anyone. He's had to deal with protocol and competition at every stage and sees no reason why anyone else should get it easier. It's all about presentation. Project leadership and people will treat you as a leader. That is, until he pissed someone off. Someone with influence.   This is how he ended up running security for an off-the-books research project run by a scientist with no sense to actually keep their work secret. And they insist to run it out of warehouses close to civillians instead of Arasaka owned labs. Something about research subjects. More like security risks. And Meyer knows that if it falls apart, no one will blame the revered professor Ami Tanaka — they'll all blame him and his security plans.   Of course, one warehouse was broken into on 5th of April 2075 and Tanaka herself kidnapped the same evening. Meyer needs things back in order and quick. If anyone higher up catches onto just how bad the situation is, he knows that there's a high risk of him having a fatal accident.
Year of Birth
2041 CE 34 Years old
Night City, Northern California, USA
Aligned Organization


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