THe corporation was founded in the 1990s in Taiwan after Arasaka had been successfully hired to make it a soverign nation. It became a megacorp of global significance after the end of the Fourth Corporate War. By the 2040s, it was reconstructed as a Chinese corporation. It's an open secret that it's under control of the Communist covernment.   As cyberware became a more integral part of weapon systems, Kang Tao expanded its focus in that direction. During the 2060s it became the first corporation to truly rival (some say surpas) Arasaka in development of smart weapon technologies. The self-correcting gyrojets of their weapons can turn more effectively and are better at target recognition — especially in combination with branded neural links, cybereyes, and connections.   Kang Tao office locations are all over the world, but often very strategic for intelligence gathering. While their forces don't come close to giants like Militech in number or heavy artiliry, their gear is cutting edge and they have an extensive spy network at their disposal.

This is Kang Tao. This is Intelligence.

Shenyang, China
Main Industries
Weapon System Manufacturing
Corporate Security


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