A concrete jungle ain't that different from one with trees. The strongest animals will survive. The gang doesn't hold any turf in Night City and can be found all over. They keep a handful of places to themselves, mainly gyms or fight clubs. There are slightly more of those in Arroyo, but not enough for the gang to claim a stake in Santo Domingo, as such.   The Animals focus on physical strength before anything else. They even view over-reliance on cyberware to be admitting weakness. The gang has developed their own cocktail of steroids and performance enhancers known as The Juice. This allows them to build muscle beyond what a human body can normally carry safely, and then secure the attachments with cybernetics. But they don't do all of this just to feel good about themselves. It all has a goal: Winning.   Every gathering of Animals is a reason to fight. It's how they determine who's dominant, who can have the last beer, and anything else that comes up. To lose a fight sucks, but it's just a reason to growl and go back to training. Maybe pick a fight with someone smaller.  

Sources of Income

With no turf of their own, the Animals don't have any protection rackets, or businesses run by the gang, outside a handful of random gyms. Their most significant asset is their reputation as violent brutes. Venues, corps, and organizations all over Night City will hire a pack of Animals as guards, bouncers, or whatever else they need. Club owners know that if they've hired the gang to do security, dangers will be kept away and they still have plausible deniability about any bodies found in nearby dumpsters.   The Animals have some drug manufacturing as their own. Besides The Juice, they produce various performance-enhancing drugs and bootleg bioware boosters. To facilitate this, they are often implicated in raids on drug dens, pharmacies, or chemical plants. The gang needs complex substances, but doesn't attract as many highly skilled medtechs as they'd like; this solves that.  


There's no one leader of the Animals. When a group of them work together across an area, they will meet up and fight until all others bow to one of them. That person is crowned Alpha for the time being. The role of Alpha can be challenged, which will trigger a duel to be scheduled as soon as possible. The fight continues until one person gives up, goes unconscious, or dies.
Illicit, Gang
Notable Members


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