The Yakuza moved into Night City almost as quickly as it appeared. They kept a low profile while the Mob held power in the city, but once corporations had established their positions, it became easier. The Tyger Claws stem from a family within the Yakuza that was influential in Japan, but became much more so in Night City. They pushed out most other competition from their homeland when they arrived in 2020.   The Night City Holocaust at the end of the Fourth Corporate War was devastating for the Tyger Claws. The nuclear detonation made the area that was then Japantown (now Vista del Rey) uninhabitable. Many of their members got killed, and the rest died young from cancer. Meanwhile, their biggest corporate patron, Arasaka, was forced out of the country. It took decades for the Tygers to recover, but they never lost face and have always stood proud. This is also when they became more of a protection gang rather than a violent arm of the Yakuza.   Neither as a gang nor as individual members do they give up their own codes of conduct. Loyalty is everything. Personal gain should strengthen the gang and never take away from it. If you give your word, it should be kept. There are many rules like these, and being perceived as someone who breaks them is unacceptable.   Bringing shame to the gang will result in punishment, possibly execution. But that doesn't mean the Tygers are good by any stretch. They specialize in blackmail and racketeering, with a healthy dose of sex work and drug trafficking on the side. Tygers will murder and rape as much as any other gang to get what they want. They might be more methodical about it, but there's no illusion of serving a greater good. They won't welcome outsiders who try to punish any members who step out of line, either. What is out of line for a gang that deals in human trafficking isn't always clear, but they will deal with it internally.   The gang operates out of Westbrook (especially Japantown), but they also have some presence in Kabuki in Watson, and they venture into City Center from time to time. Whenever dealing with them, as long as you don't give them a reason, they will behave politely.
Illicit, Gang
Controlled Territories


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