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Halo Collar

The Halo Collar, also known as Halo or Platinum Necklace, represents a revolutionary advancement in technology. Crafters use a state-of-the-art platinum alloy, known as Mezarite, that combines strength, lightness, and aesthetic beauty to create the Halo Collar. Mezarite’s unique properties make this alloy highly resistant to corrosion, erosion, and water, ensuring the collar’s durability and longevity. Its sleek, minimalist design ensures a lightweight and comfortable fit, akin to a fine necklace. The product’s inner lining specifically prevents bruising or marks, ensuring exceptional comfort, even during extended periods of use.
Designed with pairs or triads in mind, the Halo collar amplifies the interactive experience to new heights. This feature proves to be exceptionally valuable in organizing elaborate scenarios that require the involvement of multiple participants. The Halo plus comes with a wireless Red Thread functionality.

Halo Functionality

Biometric Monitoring
Advanced sensors continuously track the wearer’s mental and emotional states, including stress levels and heart rate variability. This technology helps ensure that wearers remain within safe limits, even if they indicate otherwise, maintaining safety and consent.
  Sexual Activation
The collar locks securely around the wearer until they engage in sexual activity. Once engaged, the wearer can remove the collar adding an element of control and anticipation.

Halo Safety Features

Continuous Monitoring
Advanced sensors track vital signs and emotional states, alerting both wearer and partner if distress is detected.

Alert System
Subtle vibrations or notifications prompt check-ins for safety.
Automatic Release Mechanism
Emergency Override
Enables immediate collar removal if needed.
  Pressure Sensors
Detects tightness or obstructions, adjusting to prevent harm.
Safety & Comfort
Corrosion and Erosion Resistance
The platinum alloy withstands moisture and chemical exposure, keeping the collar in pristine condition.
  Water Resistance
Suitable for various environments, including water-based activities.
Lightweight and smooth, designed to avoid discomfort or marks on the skin.
Safe Distance Monitoring
Red Thread Proximity Alerts
Gentle reminders to stay close, with adjustable settings for comfort.
Personalized Safety Settings
Companion App
Allows customization of biometric sensitivity and proximity limits.
  User Profiles
Tailored performance based on individual data.
Ethical and Secure Design
Data Security
Encrypted and secure storage of data.
  Ethical Use Protocols
Ensures respect for user autonomy and consent by utilizing voice activated safe words.
Built-in Communication Tools
Communication Interface
Enables discreet alerts or messages to partners.
  Feedback Mechanisms
Users can provide performance feedback through the app.

Red Thread of Desire

The Red Thread of Desire is a sophisticated system that ensures that Halo wearers remain in the desired proximity. This system uses advanced proximity sensors to monitor and maintain the desired distance between participants. The Red Thread is an adjustable snap leash which functions as a physical red thread connecting one Halo to another. This serves as a visual reminder of the bond between wearers and reinforces the connection by physically tethering them together. Users can customize the length of the red thread to suit their preferences, adding both a tangible and symbolic layer to the intimate experience.
The Wireless Red Thread is only available in the Halo Plus. With the Halo Plus, if wearers stray too far, the system activates various mechanisms—such as gentle vibrations, temperature adjustments, and haptic feedback—to encourage them to move closer.

Red Thread of Desire Function

Design and Function
Visual Representation
The leash glows with a striking, electric red hue that changes intensity and pattern based on proximity and interaction.
  Physical Functionality
The Red Thread maintains a physical connection between collars. There are two types: Pair Thread: A single, continuous leash linking two collars. Triad Thread: Three extensions creating a loop among three collars.
Proximity Control
Leash Functionality
Acts as both a visual reminder and physical tether, encouraging wearers to stay closer.
  Adjustable Length
Customizable through the app or collar settings to fit various preferences.
Enhanced Interaction
Adds a tangible element to the emotional connection, making closeness more immediate and significant.
  Safety and Fun
Introduces a playful challenge while ensuring safety, integrating seamlessly with the collar’s other features.

Wireless Red Thread of Desire Function

The “Red Thread of Desire” feature enhances intimacy and connection by ensuring wearers stay close.
Proximity Detection
Equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and ultra-wideband (UWB) technologies, the collar detects distance between paired or triad collars.
Distance Threshold:
The system has a configurable distance threshold. If wearers move beyond this limit, the Red Thread of Desire function activates.
Inhibitory Mechanisms:
Vibration Alerts
Gentle vibrations alert wearers if they stray too far, increasing in intensity with distance.
  Temperature Regulation
The collar adjusts its temperature to provide a warm or cool sensation based on proximity.
  Haptic Feedback
Mild pressure or tightness around the neck creates a sense of urgency and connection.
Safety Protocol
Adjustable Threshold
Distance settings can be customized via the companion app or collar settings.
  Emergency Override
Allows temporary disabling of the function if necessary.
  Connection Sync
Collars are synchronized to ensure consistent proximity settings and alerts, maintaining a cohesive experience.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good


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