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Nexus Pillars

The inhabitants of Veneros partially understood the true nature of the Nexus Pillars of Veneros. Scholars and sages have dedicated their lives to studying them and unlocking their secrets. Legends say that they are living entities, the bridge between worlds that choose who may pass through based on their unresolved desires or unfinished business. The Nexus pillars of Veneros are monumental structures that combine elements of an obelisk and a lighthouse. These sleek, tapering towers stand hundreds of feet into the air and act as a barrier, shielding the entire continent from the outside world. They have wide and solid bases, which provide a sturdy foundation. At their pinnacles is a radiant beacon, akin to a lighthouse, that casts a soft light across the landscape.
Each pillar is constructed from an unearthly black stone, and it has veins of luminous crystal etched on it. These veins pulsate with arcane energy, which is known as Lumi stones. Lumi stones serve as conduits to supply power to the barrier are usually the size of a fist. During excavation, the Lumi stones undergo having intricate carvings and glyphs carved into their surface. When initially unearthed, Lumi stones are prone to chip or break because of their softness. As time passes, their surface gradually transforms into a rough and weathered texture. The Lumi stones on the Nexus pillars have detailed ancient spells and protective runes.
Nexus pillars are also tools that enable the Gods to monitor the surrounding lands, travel freely to the other continents, and grant travelers’ passage to and from Veneros, whether it be to other continents or even different realms. Each pillar is strategically placed around the continent to maintain the strength of the barrier, despite the uneven spacing between each one.

The Barrier's Protection

The barrier surrounding the Nexus pillar and its effects remain unseen by the naked eye to those within its protective perimeter. Despite being on Veneros, the pillars have the barrier positioned at a considerable distance. This allows locales the opportunity to sail and effortlessly catch an abundance of fish. The gentle deterrent of the wind and sea compels those who wander too close to the barrier to retreat to the shore. This treatment excludes individuals on the opposite side of the barrier.
For unwelcomed outsiders who draw close to the pillars, the barrier causes those who are in danger of approaching it to feel a terrible dread or a sense of foreboding. Those who are not fortunate enough to heed this warning will encounter a lethal fate.
  By Sea:
Sudden violent storms await ships that come close to the barrier. Lightning strikes with alarming frequency. There are winds strong enough to tear sails and masts apart and waves rising to impossible heights. The waters around Veneros become turbulent, and whirlpools form spontaneously, pulling any sea vessel above and below the water down to the depths.
  By Air:
The skies above the barrier are equally dangerous. Navigational instruments go haywire, rendering them useless. Clear skies can transform into fierce thunderstorms within moments, with winds strong enough to toss even the sturdiest of airships. The skies above the barrier are equally dangerous. Navigational instruments go haywire, rendering them useless. Clear skies can transform into fierce thunderstorms within moments, with winds strong enough to toss even the sturdiest of airships.


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