
Nagas are serpentine beings with magical powers and keen intellects. Physically, they resemble massive snakes, though they often wear jewelry and other ornaments that clearly separate them from their animal kin. Nagas use their innate magic and poisonous fangs to keep all but the most stalwart foes at bay. They keep their own counsel, viewing their cosmic role to be sacrosanct and beyond the understanding of outside scholars. Their unwillingness to explain themselves or entertain the suggestion of alliances has led to a long history of conflict with their neighbors, who read them as aloof, arrogant, or duplicitous. Nagas often have a powerful sense of duty to their perceived role within the universe, even if this role leads them to violent or tragic ends. Many see them as harsh and stern due to their devotion, terrifying in their majesty yet possessed of an aura of transcendence.
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