Andalor Bridge

Andalor Bridge is a settlement that spans both North and South of the River Novoa. It is a fairly large town, and serves as a central trading position to caravans crossing the river. The town however is different from the North end and the South end. Sometimes, these parts of town go by Andalor North and Andalor South respectively.    Andalor South has a majority Astrican population. Andalor North has a more diverse population that includes humans, elves, and beastfolk.    As of late, there has been rumors circulating the local region that troubles are brewing in Andalor.


Andalor is ran by a group of representatives. Each demographic in Andalor gets one representative, and it is up to each of them to represent the needs and wants of their people. These reps all council the Speaker of Andalor, a single ruler that is elected by the representatives.


Andalor has a volunteer militia force, consisting of swordsmen, archers, and even a few mages.

Guilds and Factions

Andalor is home to several guilds. Most notably, the Andalorian Exploration Association, the Engineer's Workshop, and the Legionnaire's Forum.
Founding Date
941 4AE
Inhabitant Demonym


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