
The Askertillians are a race of humans who occupy one of the largest trade empires in Shaeral. Askertillians are humble and intelligent people, and they have a natural affinity for business and trade deals. Askertillians are reknown for their natural charisma, and often make great bards, spies, tradesmen, and conmen. Askertillians value money first and foremost, and while they may not be greedy, they are typically always interested in making a quick piece of gold. They are also are natural explorers and voyagers, having one of the largest fleets in the known world.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Askertillians have simple two part names, with a first and last name. Typically, male names are passed on generationally, but this is not required.
First Name Last
Anselm Baldwin Bertram Clodomiro Dankmar Ernest Farald Folke Frank Friedbert Gismondo Grimwald Hademar Hartmut Heimo Heimrad Liebwin Ludwig Meinrad Norbert NotkerRobert Ottfried Otto Randolf Rembert Richard Rocco Siegward Walo Baasch Brandler Braune Egner Elsner Faehlmann Franck Heine Hetz Heun Kantner Kielholz Lachner Lindwurm Neugebauer Neuhaeusser Quattlebaum Rosenstock Rädler Schaumann Schlesinger Schönborn Schöner Sendler Sonnenfeld Steinbacher Viermetz Walbaum Weinberger


Askertillian Stats

  Age Askertillians, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Askertillians(40+) have a +1 bonus to their wisdom or charisma stats.
  Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Askertillians tend to follow neutral paths, benefitting themselves. This is not required.
  Size All humans are medium sized.
  Speed Askertillians base speed is 30 feet.
  Languages Askertillians speak Askertillian. They may also learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)
  Ability Score Increase Askertillians may increase their intelligence and charisma scores by 1.
  Proficiency Askertillians gain a proficiency in History or Persuasion
  Hanse Barters All Askertillians can receive 10% cheaper goods at stores. If with a party member, this trait can be applied to them, if the Askertillian does the bartering for them.


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