
The Astani are a cousin race to the Astricans, and also originate from Aratans fleeing from Shogax. The fleets carrying the Astani voyaged more Westward, and thus landing them on the island of Agostino. The landing went smoothly, and the Astani found themselves almost entirely alone on the island, allowing them to peacefully begin to expand and build, cultivating their new island and new society.    This parallel of the Astrican landing on Igrora allowed the Astani to focus on societal advancements. They established universities, libraries, and other public works much quicker than the Astricans, who had to first dominate the land around them.    Eventually, the Astani did begin to make contact with other civilizations on the island. To their south, a human tribe known as the Soranii began to openly trade with the Astani, allowing both sides to flourish. Eventually, the Astani begin to make more and more contact with other tribes on the islands, and nearly all of them are trading with the Astani to this day.   The Astani are master diplomats and businessmen. They are able to put value into any item they wish to sale, and can barter there way in or out of most scenarios. The Astani are natural orators, and this has paved the way for their rise of power through the pen, rather than the sword. Now, they maintain a complicated trade network all over Igrora, utilizing an advanced fleet of merchant ships that are perfect for ocean voyages.   The Astani share much of their genetic DNA with the Astricans, and to this day both sides maintain similarities, such as being democratic republics (albeit the Astani's senate is made up of merchant guild members, rather than elected officials.)  

Character Creation


Naming Conventions

  The Astani have similar names to the Astricans, however they have dropped moved the family name to the end of their name, and dropped the third name altogether. Now, they have a simpler two name convention.   
First Name Last Name
Olympio Majus
Rosso Corvus
Bonifazio Faventinus
Cristofano Naso
Angelus de Fiescho
Aureolus Septimus
Tycho Fideli
Lycus Acordolo
Luca de Calvis
Gianfrancesco Capello

Astani Stats

  Age Astani, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Astani (40+) have a +1 bonus to their wisdom or intelligence stats.   Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Astani tend to follow neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All humans are medium sized.   Speed Astani base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Astani speak Astani. This language is close in natural to Astrican, therefor those who speak Astrican can usually pick up bits and pieces of Astani in text and verbally. They may also learn another language of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Astani can increase their charisma by 2 points, or their charisma and intelligence by 1.   Proficiency: Astani gain Proficiency in Persuasion.   Hanse Barters all goods are cheaper for you in stores and stalls, thanks to your bartering skills. In addition, when haggling or bartering for things outside of goods (such as bartering for someone's life to be sparred, so that someone else may be given in return), gain advantage on the roll.


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