
The Astricans are human descendants of the Aratans, who once ruled Shogax. The Astricans are known for their prowess in battle, their cunning in the world of politics, and their overall adaptability in any situation they find themselves in. Astricans hail from Astrica, and rapidly growing Republic. Astricans are natural warriors, and are always prepared for a fight. Males are expected to serve within the Astrican military. Astricans are a proud people, with deep rooted traditions that they hold sacred to themselves. Astricans are known to be stubborn, however this often works in their favor. They are tenacious, hard working individuals who frown upon laziness and shortcuts.  

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

  Astrican names are simple, and typically in two parts. The first part is a unique name to the individual, and the second is a family name. Sometimes, distinguished Astricans will give themselves a third name, placing it in the middle between their first and last name. This name is typically a compliment of some sort of accomplishment.

Astrican Stats

Age Astricans, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Astricans (40+) have a +1 bonus to their wisdom or intelligence stats.   Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Astricans tend to follow lawful paths. This is not required.   Size All humans are medium sized.   Speed Astricans base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Astricans speak Astrican. They may also learn another language of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Astricans can increase any two abilities by one, or one ability by two.   Proficiency Astricans gain one proficiency of their choice.   Feat Astricans may choose one feat of their choice.
An Astrican Legionnaire


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