
The Beoldred are a human race of sea-faring people originally from a frozen island lost to time north of Shaeral. The Beoldred are tough and hardy people, and are use to extreme cold and desperate living situations. They are no strangers to warfare, and pride themselves on individual prowess. Any Beoldred will tell you that they would rather die in battle than flee and be known as a coward. The Beoldred hold their ancestors to the highest regard, and in battle, can seemingly tap into ancestral powers to increase their performance. The Beoldred are bold, daring, and strong people. They make up some of the most ferocious one on one fighters.

Character Creation


Naming Conventions

  Beoldred typically have one name, these names invoke strong meaning, such as "Rock", "War", "Eagle", "Hawk", "Fearsome", and other strong symbology.
Example Names
Anlaf Arnfinn Bjarne Dane Finnvid Flosi Gunnar Guthorm Halle Havardr Hjarrandi Ingimar Ivar Jarnskeggi Kormak Njord Ragnvald Rollo Runar Sigelac Sten Tormod Trond Viggo Ysoppa Øysten


Beoldred Stats

Age Beoldred, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Astricans (40+) have a +1 bonus to their strength or constitution abilities.
  Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Beoldred tend to follow neutral or chaotic paths. This is not required.
  Size All humans are medium sized.
  Speed Beoldred base speed is 30 feet.
  Languages Beoldred speak Beoldred. They may also learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)
  Ability Score Increase Beoldred gain a +1 in increase their Strength and Constitution
  Proficiency Beoldred gain one combat or survival based proficiency.
  Feat Beoldred may choose one combat or survival based feat.
  Veins of Ice: Beoldred gain a +1 to saving throw rolls against ice/cold or water based attacks or events.


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