

  The men of Kypros originate from an expedition of 10,000 mercenaries that traveled across the Myzal Desert to serve Shiraghul in a war against the Nasmali. Later on, the band of mercenaries gained a larger following and fought in a civil war which occured in the Nasmali Shahdom. First wealth then land was offered to the mercenaries who eventually gained enough power to establish their own state and challenge the Nasmali Shah's, however their power was kept in check by the Nasmali's Alemar allies. Now, the Kypriot people, as they call themselves, run a militaristic state led by an Apartheid rule over their peasant class of mixed blood. The Kypriots are naturally a warrior culture which holds martial values above all others and are prone to war with their neighbors or anyone who they are paid to fight.     In Kypros the higher in the ladder you are, the harsher your upbringing. Nobles of Kypros are given the most brutal, harsh childhoods to ensure they will have the strength to lead their people. Every year, a new guardian is assigned to a future patriarch each with a new sylabi of values to teach to the future leader and when he comes of age these guardians all return to his service to act as his personal advisors and bodyguards, if they survive to that point. This practice to all nobles, from the lowest administrators to the King of Kypros.     CHARACTER Naming Conventions Every Kypriot has a first name, a middle name consisting of the fathers name in the case of a son or the mothers name in the case of a daughter or an ancestors name followed by "-Os" followed by the name of their personal familial clan or 'house'   Example Name: Aenus Hectoros (Or "Son of Hector") Pelethus   STATS Age Kypriots live to the age of 50-80 years.   Alignment Kypriots follow the laws of Kypros at all times, and maraud everywhere else.   Size All Kypriots are medium   Speed Base speed of Kypriots is 30 feet   Language Kypriots speak Old Ortysian also known as Kyprian. They can choose two additional languages to learn   Ability Score Increase Kypriots gain plus one to Strength and Constitution   Proficiency Kypriots are proficient in Intimidation   Shield Masters Shields provide 3 AC instead of 2, can lock shields with one companion to gain two more AC.


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