Leonii Tribe (Leo-ni)

"No, no, I am no expert. I'm aware that I've chronicled their history for the past thirty years of my life, yet even I fail to understand the people of the Leonii tribes."   - Quintis Verullus, historian and author of "The Savages Outside"
  The Leonii, or Leonii tribes are a collection of human tribes who live Felissi plains, just East of the Astrican Republic. It's not entirely known where the Leonites originate, but most scholars accept the notion that they migrated from the South a few hundred years ago, this is supported by Leonite artifacts being found as far as the borders of Theodos.   The Leonites are a tough and hardy people. They are experts in a mysterious form of magic that circles around the use of runes and mystical warpaints that enhance their physical prowess. The Leonites worship these ancient runes, and will go to extreme lengths to protect them. Runes are typically passed down from father to son, and some runes discovered on fallen Leonii even seem to date back thousands of years. The source of these runes is a mystery, and curiously enough, the runes seem to lose all source of power if used by a non-Leonite.      

Tribe Life

  Life within the tribes is somewhat typical of what one may expect of tribe life. The Leonii are renown hunters, as well as exceptional farmers. Their diets consist mostly of meat and fish, and this is reflected in the tasks that most tribesmen complete day to day. They also make fine hides and furs, which are traded from time to time. Most Leonites live in small, self sufficient tribal villages, outside of the main "city" centers where the most powerful of warlords live.   

Relations With Others

  The Leonii are not inherently hostile to outsiders. In fact, Leonii traders are often found in cities of their neighbors. Granted, there are still Leonite raiding parties that attack small border villages or caravans, but these are mostly from rogue warlords, or at least, this is what is believed. While Leonites will travel outside of their home to trade, it is extremely rare that the opposite happens. This is because the lands of the Leonite seem to be guarded by mystical forces, perhaps aided by the magical runes that encompass all parts of their society. This makes traversing the lands of the Leonii extremely dangerous, and most who enter their forest do not return.    


  The Leonites are lead by warlords who own large swathes of land. The more land a warlord owns, the more powerful they are considered. The three most powerful warlords, those that own the tribal cities of Teuto, Alpus, and Atesios, serve almost as kings with the influence they exert to villages and towns around them. The most powerful of the three cities is that of Atesios. At times, there have been attempts for the warlords of Atesios to proclaim themselves as a sort of high king, yet none have been successful in the motion yet.  


  In times of war or raids, the Leonites gather in large warbands. Nearly every male and female of the tribes are taught how to utilize sword and shield, and those with runes will typically lead smaller groups within the warband, utilizing their enhanced abilities to drive the warband forward.
Geopolitical, Tribe


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