
Desert Men

Myzal, in the language of these people, means ‘Outcast’, though many outsiders know them as the ‘Star Watchers’. Deep in the deserts and high mesa plateaus of Shaeral are nomadic tribes of men who call themselves the Myzal. These people, for whatever reason, chose to make the desert their home and since anyone can remember, have used the stars to navigate across the vast sandy seas. The tribes move with the seasons and animals, herding livestock and hunting the fierce creatures of the desert such as the terrifying ‘Obsidian Scorpions’.   In the great desert of Myzal, there is no way a mere man can survive alone. To adapt, the Myzali developed into a life of symbiosis with many of the creatures that inhabited the desert. It has been this way for centuries, Myzali have befriended and otherwise tamed much of the local fauna, living side by side so both species can prosper. This has been ingrained into the Myzali way of life and almost every Myzali has had at least one tamed pet in their lifetime.   The Myzal have been great connectors, trading with civilizations on opposite sides of the desert that would otherwise have no contact. Despite their open friendliness and skill as merchants, the Myzal are a rather mysterious culture that does not share much about themselves or allow outsiders into their nomadic communities often. These strange men navigate through networks of oases, caves and subterranean tunnel systems to live through the desert heat.

  Character Creation



Myzali have a given name and will sometimes use a surname beginning with "Al" (Of) which denotes where they are from, be it an organization, city, caravan, etc. Example: Jazir Al-Abadai  


Age Myzali live to the age of 50-75 years.     Size All Myzali are medium   Speed Base speed of Myzali is 30 feet, even on rough desert terrain   Language Myzali speak Myz. They can choose one additional language to learn   Ability Score Increase Myzali gain a plus 2 bonus to Constitution   Proficiency Myzali are proficient in animal handling   Desert Walkers Myzali have a advantage on survival and constitution rolls in a desert or arid environment. They can also start with an small sized animal companion.(Consult DM)


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