Republic of Rijka

The Republic of Rijka, established in the beginning years of the cataclysm, is a rich and prosperous merchant republic established on the island of Fris. A global nation, famous for exploration, trade and expansion as a maritime merchant superpower. It connects the land of Istros to north and southern Shaeral as well as Shogax.  


The Government of the Republic of Rijka is led by an elected leader, the Lord Magistrate, who rules for life. He is elected by popular vote and is limited by the Council of Representatives who have the power to veto his laws. The Lord Magistrate appoints a Vice Magistrate and Cabinet of Masters from the citizens of Rijka however he sees fit. This main executive branch of government has it's power checked by the College of Representatives who have the power to veto via popular vote among the college any action made by the Lord Magistrate that would negatively impact the districts they represent. There is one representative for each of the 20 districts of the Republic. Lastly, a council of judges preside over the courts, running trials and accepting or rejecting new laws. They also serve as wardens to the town guard. Only the patrician class of Rijkans are eligible to be Masters, Judges and Representatives.      


Rijka's Military is mainly defensive as for the ground force. A town guard administers the law while a small force of professional soldiers man the walls of the city and if the time comes, trains and drills a militia in a time of defense. Rijka's navy is much larger and every citizen of Rijka serves a compulsory service as an oarsman or crewman on a ship. After their 2 year term they are free to separate from the navy if it is a time of peace or continue to serve. Rijka's navy is extremely professional and well discipline. The bulk of the Republics army comes from hired mercenaries who supplement the militia force and take any and all offensive ground action around the world. As the Republic begins to expand into a colonial power, however, mercenaries are being hired as professional soldiers in service to the territories of the republic, overseen by officers of the Rijka Army. These 'Company Soldiers' named for the Rijka Rivers Trade Company that employs them all are less disciplined and noticeably less trained than the professional Rijka soldiers, however they do their job well enough in their regions, protecting Rijka interests to benefit of the republic and in extension, themselves.   All ground forces are ultimately under the command of the Marshal of Rijka and the navies multiple fleets are under the ultimate command of the Grand Admiral of Rijka.    


The Republic of Rijka has one of the largest navies in the world, despite the small size of the country. They have been expanding little by little, creating small trade outposts in land that they buy so they can trade their vast amount of goods. These territories are administered by the Rijka Rivers Trade Company which is consequently owned currently by the current Lord Magistrate. The Company hires the native people of the land to serve as mercenaries, being overseen by professional soldiers and officers of the Republics army. Most of the huge amount of wealth from these numerous trade outposts find it's way back to the city of Rijka, making it richer and richer.    

Foreign Policy

The Republic of Rijka tries to trade with whoever they can if they can make a profit from it. They find it to simply be bad practice to hold any grudges against any countries, even if they were enemies in the past. Rijka even trades with the countries that have sailed to their island and attempted to conquer it on multiple occasions. This attitude has brought wealth and power to Rijka as they maintain their position as a force to be reckoned with building an ever growing navy.


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