Senate of Andai



There are two Astrican Consuls who are elected by the Senate. These two Consuls, in order to properly function, rule on a bi-monthly basis. While one Consul was in power, the other would step back, allowing the other to follow their agenda. Consuls had several jobs to complete. First and foremost, it was their job to propose and move legal legislation forward. During their month in power, it would be the best time to push forward their legislation.   Consuls were also in charge of overseeing elections, and ensuring that laws and regulations are followed during those processes.   The Consuls were also in charge of Astrica's military. While the Senate declared war and assigned armies, the Consuls held ultimate command. They decided how wars would be fought and often assumed direct control over the armies. Only one Consul would be allowed to be in the field at once, forcing the other to remain within Andai and resume legal duties.   Consuls are also in charge of public safety. In some situations, the Senate are allowed to grant Consuls 'the final decree' which grants Consuls the power to take any action necessary to protect the Republic.


There are 8 Praetors on any given election year. Praetors are powerful Astricans, and most Senators will never reach the rank of Praetor. They serve as judges, and are responsible with enforcing laws. They preside over court cases, and when the time for a decision came, the Praetors had complete control over the sentencing. Typically, these sentences are either:
  • Fines
  • Physical Punishments
  • Banishment
  • Death
Praetors also have the authority to command armies, but usually served as second in command to Consuls.


There are 4 Aedile positions open during any election year. Aediles serve in the Senate by attending to public life within the city of Andai. They were responsible with the upkeep of the maintenance of public buildings, such as public baths, aqueducts, temples, and the grain supply feeding the city. Aediles were also in charge of the Festivals and public holidays, giving it a strong draw to ambitious politicians. The Senate grants an annual budget to the Aediles for these festivals and holidays, however Aediles often supplement the events with their own savings.


Every year, twenty positions are open for aspiring politicians to be elected Quaestor, therefor entering the Senate. Quaestors were elected representatives, with no military power and did not hold much political power either. They typically serve as civil servants. Out of the twenty elected yearly, many of them would be assigned by the senate to serve as deputies to the Provincial Governors. This means they would answer directly to the governor, and likely have rolls such as quartermasters for the provincial forces, tax collectors, and oversee recruitment. Governors could bestow military command to his Quaestor, however he could only act in his name. At the end of the day, Quaestors who serve as deputies are at the will of their governor. If the Governor was to go off to war and commanded his Quaestor to oversee a construction project, it would be well within the Governor's right to do so.   A few elected Quaestors would be be singled out and kept in Andai, who would be assigned to the two Consuls elected in the year.   Four Quaestors would be assigned to work within the treasury, and maintain the physical gold within the Republic. These individuals were not allowed to leave the city ever during their time, and thus it was a generally frowned upon position.   Once an election period was over, those who did not win any position would return as senators. Once in the senate, the position was for life. The SenateĀ is made up of 200-300 senate members.
Founding Date
0 3AE
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Related Ethnicities


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