
The Shiranites hail from the lush Pallu river valley region. Between the arid desert and the Pallu river, the Shiranites have found themselves a resource rich region that was protected them for decades. The desert provided a natural barrier against Orcish forces, allowing early Shiranites to better concentrate their defensive efforts against Aznakh's forces of evil. Now, the Shiranites own most of the Pallu river valley, and have little competition opposing them. They are a proud people who value the Gods above all else, and will fight to protect what is theres. They are known to be perfectionist in whatever craft they choose, and they have an incredible sense of individual freedom, and this sometimes causes their armies to become dysfunctional. Regardless, they are fantastic individual warriors, and have incredible courage when faced against overwhelming odds.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

  Shiranites typically have a first and last name. Their names are sometimes passed down, but typically each Shiranite will try to give their children names never used before, if possible.
Chenzira Sakhmet
Rehu Sitra
Amenrut Ehe
Khut-hotep Mer-tetes
Mehhur Dalila
Snefru Kamas
Horminuter Nekht
Osirei-menepthah Akiiki
Outhor Se-uati
Beb Ka
Aker Sesonchoses
Amon-hotep Mudada

Shiranite Stats

  Age Shiranites, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Shiranites (40+) have a +1 bonus to their wisdom or intelligence stats.   Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Shiranites tend to follow neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All humans are medium sized.   Speed Shiranites base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Shiranite speak Sheernati. They may also learn another language of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Shiranites can increase any two abilities by one, or one ability by two.   Proficiency Shiranites gain a proficiency in a skill of their choice.   Natural Affinity Shiranites can gain expertise in any skill of their choice, minus magic based skills.


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