
The Sorinians are a humanoid race from Shaeral. They are the only democratic nation in Shaeral, with a direct democracy deciding their leader, known as the Minister. Sorinians deeply value their democracy, and believe that all peoples should be allowed the right to vote and a right for their voice to be heard. They are notably less xenophobic towards others outside of Sorinia, and often times are known to be fair and unbiased individuals. However, due to the nature of their society, Sorinians are also very likely to rebel against systems they see as unjust. Sorinia has already had three large scaled civil wars in its few hundred years of existence. However, these wars are not looked down upon, and rather, as a necessity to maintain a free and fair nation. Sorinians are fast to embrace new technology, and have already invested heavily into firearms, bombs, cannons, and other new, cutting edge technology.   

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Sorinians have typically easy to pronounce, simple naming conventions, with a first, last, and sometimes middle names. 
First Name Last Name
Burton Clark Elvis Erwin Felix Fergus Gordon Harvey Herman Isadore Joel Lawrence Lee Leigh Lucas Nathaniel Richard Sherris Sorisus Thomas Will Angelo Ashleigh Ashton Bainbridge Belleville Benson Bentley Brentwood Cummings Darrington Davenport Gainsborough Hargreave Harvey-Lottway Kaylock Lamonia Montcroix Ambrose Rowe Seaton Shawcross Tennesley Watson Watson Whittaker

Sorinian Stats

  Age Sorinians, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Sorinians(40+) have a +1 bonus to their intelligence stat.   Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Sorinians tend to follow good paths, trying to help others. This is not required.   Size All humans are medium sized.   Speed Sorinians base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Sorinians speak Sorinish. They may also learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Sorinians may increase their dexterity and charisma scores by 1.   Sharpshooters The crossbow is the backbone of the Sorinian military, and is engrained into the culture of the people. In addition to this, the Sorinians have not hesitated to invest in the new technology of Firearms. Sorinians gain a +1 to chance to hit with a crossbow or firearm, stacking upon other bonuses.


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