
"Your spirit, your soul, your humanity, forever bound to this righteous armor. You sacrifice so that we may live. Forfeiting that of what we hold most dear. Blessed is he who steps inside of this suit of armor, for you are to be the vessel of life for all of the known world."
  • Short excerpt from the ritual that binds Urdani to their armor.
  • An Urdani is a human that has had their soul bounded into a suit of armor through a powerful Yekai ritual. Once bound to the suit of armor, they are to remain forever inside of it. There is no known way to remove the soul of an Urdani from the armor, without killing the Urdani by destroying the suit of armor. It is said that Urdani do not receive an afterlife, for their souls become loss upon destruction. Others argue that Urdani cannot receive an afterlife for they have already cheated death. Scholars debate to this day which of these claims are true, or if both are incorrect all together.  


    The Urdani were first formed at the turn of the 1st Aeta, and were created as a response to the ever-growing Cataclysm that engulfed the world around them. While nations of less note were felled, the Yekai prepared a desperate ritual that would bind their greatest warriors into massive, masterfully crafted suits of armor. These armored behemoths would go on to fight on the front line against waves of orcs. Their might and strength rallied their allied fighters to continue to fight. They became famous warriors who were revered deeply by the Dominion, and by most of the world. Legends formed around them, it is still common belief that a single Urdani can kill a hundred men, or that the Urdani are actually vessels for the Gods themselves.   At the end of the Cataclysm, there were a few more decades of Urdani being created, but soon, the need for such warriors began to fade. It was seen as cruel to rip a man from his own body forever. As the years went on, less and less Urdani were created, now, there hasn't been the creation of an Urdani in over a thousand years.   Many Urdani continued to serve the Dominion for many years, some still serve to this very day. However, the truth is that a majority of the Urdani abandoned the Dominion, and now wonder Shaeral aimlessly. Many seek purpose, many seek answers for what they are, and some even seek death -- a release from their eternal state of living. These Urdani are deeply conflicted, existential beings that are full of questions, many seeing no way to answer any of them, and instead they exist simply to be haunted by their immortality. Many of these Urdani have committed suicide by charging head first into impossible fights. Some of these Urdani still come out victorious if they fought, some simply lay their sword and allow themselves to be destroyed.  

    Character Creation


    Naming Conventions

    Urdani can take any name that they please. Some keep their original, Yekai names, but many adopt different names over the hundreds or thousands of years that they have existed.  

    Urdani Features

      Age Urdani cannot die from old age. The youngest Urdani are at least a thousand years old, with the oldest of them reaching upwards of nearly 2,800 years old.   Alignment While Urdani in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Urdani tend to follow lawful paths. This is not required.   Size All Urdani are medium sized.   Speed Urdani base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Urdani speak Yekai. They may also learn another two languages of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase. Urdani's Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.   Masterfully Crafted - The suit of armor that is the physical body of the Urdani is a masterfully crafted suit of heavy plates and metal.
    • You have a default AC of 18, and cannot equip other armor. You can however equip cloaks. You can also utilize a shield.
    • Your armor cannot be removed from your body in anyway, as this would instantly kill you.
      Metal Construction - As you have no physical flesh left behind, you are a creation of pure metal. With your remarkable fortitude, you gain the following benefits:
    • You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
    • You are immune to disease.
    • You don't need to sleep, and magic cannot put you to sleep.
      Sentry's Rest - When you take a long rest, you must spend four of the days in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.   Warrior's Design - You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice.


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