
The Yekai are humans who hail from the Yekai Dominion, which is believed to be the oldest kingdom of Man still standing. Yekai traces its roots to the earliest days of Bodhaan, and there is evidence to suggest that ancient Yekai not only fought the Alemar on several occasions, but often times won these engagements. The Yekai are the only humans to have a natural affinity towards magic, and the deserts from which they hail have crafted them into a strong, sturdy people. The Yekai have had a strong relationship with the Astricans ever since they arrived in the 3rd Aeta. The strength of the Yekai armies comes from their dangerous mix of potent cavalry, supported by battlemages, with a core of decent infantry forces. All of these elements support their devasting Urdani warriors. The Urdani are men whose very souls have been pulled from their bodies and entrapped into elegant and heavy suits of armor. They now serve as willing warriors for the Yekai, and the strength of one of these Urdani warriors are said to outmatch that of twenty men.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

  Yekai names usually come in two parts, separated by a apostrophe ('). The first part of their name is a family derived name. The second part is a personal name that they have given themselves. Sometimes, a Yekai will have a third name. This name is either the name that their parents referred to them as a child, or a name given to them by a special person in their lives. The Urdani follow these same conventions, however it is typically rare to see an Urdani with three names, as it is known that Urdani have an extremely difficult time maintaining or creating new emotional connections after their soul transfer.
Family Names Personal Name
Rhaace Khalid
Barai Ayham
Shaza Askari
Tulmoaa Baariq
Stenr Bilal
Domroc Farwa
Shelro Aqil
Taliz Diwan
Sadid Zahul
Zamen Lahlou
Youssef Waqqas

Yekai Stats

Age Yekai, like other humans, typically live between 50-75 years. Older Yekai(40+) have a +1 bonus to their wisdom or intelligence stats.
  Alignment While humans in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Yekai tend to follow lawful paths. This is not required.
  Size All humans are medium sized.
  Speed Yekai base speed is 30 feet.
  Languages Yekai speak Yekai. They may also learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)
  Ability Score Increase Yekai can increase any two abilities by one, or one ability by two (Cannot progress an ability past 16)
  Proficiency Yekai gain a proficiency in Arcana.
  Legacy of the Dominion Yekai gain a +1 in either Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence. They also gain a +1 Spell Attack Modifier. 

Urdani Subrace

  Age Urdani cannot die from old age. The oldest Urdani are thought to be thousands of years old. 
  Alignment Urdani still have human souls, meaning that as humans in general do not have a standard alignment, they can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Urdani tend to follow lawful paths. This is not required.
  Size Urdani are medium sized. 
  Speed Urdani base speed is 30 feet.
  Languages Urdani speak Yekai. They may also learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)
  Ability Score Increase Urdani can increase any two abilities by one, or one ability by two (Cannot progress an ability past 16)
  Proficiency Urdani gain a proficiency in Intimidation
  Bounded Warrior Urdani are entrapped into powerful and heavy suits of armor. Their AC default begins at 18 (natural armor). In addition to this, Urdani gain +3 to their strength stat, to a max of 20.
A Yekai man. It should be noted that the Yekai are diverse in their appearance and skin tone ranges.   
An Urdani warrior. It should be noted that Urdani armors are vastly diverse.


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