Colony Poster Document in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Colony Poster

"Citizen, does the lure of travel, adventure, and hard work call to you? Are you tired of living in a world that you had no hand in creating? Then join the Federation Colonization Service today and make your own tomorrow!" - FCS poster 2373
These digital posters were put up around the Federation and with major activity and exploration in and the Shackleton Expanse. Well Starfleet explores, charts and makes first contact on a big scale, colonist can find a new home in the unknown where they can explore, chart and research there field of intrest in strange new worlds and civilisations, or they can just settle down on planets and moons like FCS-94321-0047-IIIb.


To gain interest for anew colony in the Shackleton Expanse
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