Obi Vas-Arja Character in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Obi Vas-Arja

Obi Vas-Arja

There are two things that Lieutenant Vas-Arja enjoys the most; looking up at the stars, and flying through them. Some of his favorite memories from his youth come from sitting on a Xahean mountain in the wilderness, gazing at the night’s sky while listening to his parents wax poetic about the mythology of constellations. As someone who spent much of his time traveling between two homeworlds, he has a broad perspective on what constitutes a community, and looks at different polities and boundaries as trivial. In the end, to Obi, we are all one family with the privilege of living in a universe of wonders just waiting to be discovered. He has taken his wide-eyed optimism and applied it to his work for Starfleet on behalf of all beings.

A Sciences division Lieutenant in Starfleet who has Xahean and Grazerite ancestries. He is currently a Stellar Sciences officer for the USS Pueblo.

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