Security Clearance Document in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Security Clearance

Security Clearances for Starfleet and other affiliated groups like the Federation Science Council and Starfleet Medical.   Level One  
  • Access to stations personnel and official logs.
  • access to weapons lockers, for Starfleet personal.
Level Two
  • Minimum security for more specialist Starfleet locations
Level Three
  • Access to select classified information.

Level Four
  • Access to DS9’s Departure logs.
  • To access tactical data.
  • Minimum Access level for a Starfleet Intelligence Officer
  • Added Alpha clearance
  • Access Black Box info on ships
  level Five
  • Access command are schematics and the repair/alternation information
Level Six
  • Generic tiered Level

level Seven
  • Minimum requirement for inter Quadrent diplomacy.
  level Eight
  • Level requirement/giving for a First Officer in Starfleet or equivalent position.
Level Nine
  • Usually giving to First officers of the Commander rank or Commanders in charge of a ship or base
  Level Ten
  • Captains Eyes only
Sigma 1-9 This is usually clearance for non Starfleet organisations, such as Vulcan Science Academy, but can be combined with Starfleet security clearance
Source of leak believed to be a Ferengi on DS9
Leaked Original


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