
Citadel, the last known settlement free from Corruption, and home to The Dreamer's Keep. This large city lies in the Garton valley, on the banks of the the Silverswift River. Here two mountain ranges converge, and the city is nestled in the nook where they meet, protected to the East and North by the steep slopes of the two ranges.     Due to the proximity of the Dreamer's Keep the citizens of Citadel are mostly unaffected by Corruption, at least in so much as they don't have to worry about it's build up within the city. Citizens of Citadel also don't have to worry about becoming Corrupted either, again thanks to the prescence of the Dreamer and the Keep's Amplifiers.
  At the centre of the city lies the Keep itself, a huge imposing structure that dominates the skyline and can be seen from anywhere within the city. Here live the members of the Order, people dedicated to the Dreamer and to uncovering the knowledge lost to the Corruption over the years. No one is allowed within the Keep without express permission from a Tuner.
  Surrounding the keep in a loose circle is the old district, which mostly consists of buildings from the original city, with a few newer constructions dotted about here and there. The majority of the west of the city is given over to food production; fruit trees, crops, vegetables, chickens, pigs and goats. There isn't the space in the city for large herds. So cows and sheep are much rarer. The south end of the city is given over industry, and some noisier or smellier commercial properties. North is mostly residential, with a scattering of religious buildings and comercial properties.
  West End is the commercial and entertainment district, here is where the majority of the trading within the city takes place. There is a large open market area, where temporary stalls can be set up for those bringing wares that can only be found outside the city walls. These traders always bring a lot of interest and it is best to get there early. Due to the corruption beyond the city walls, wares from there are highly sought after, as items from outside the city walls are not ver often free from Corruption.
  The city is surrounded by a large stone wall which has towers spaced along it at regular intervals, these towers are manned at all times by armed guardsmen. Due to the prescence of the Keep security within the city is of high priority, and the city ensures it has a large enough armed force to defend the city if necessary. Not that most people would think of such a thing. The Dreamer is the only thing which keeps the Corruption from swallowing evrything.


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