Desert of Storms


A vast and dry desert region, continuously changing as the storms rage across it. Rolling dunes of ochre sand meld into dusty rocky expanses with towering mesas and rock formations, shaped and warped by the winds, which themselves merge into flat rocky ground dotted with spiky grass and the odd cactus. Two rivers run through the desert, one the wide and sluggish Kikoroo, and the other which winds it's way through the whistling canyon. It is a rather desolate place, though life can be found along the river banks and around scattered oasis and wells.

Localized Phenomena

What makes this desert different to the several others on the planet, are the unpredictable winds which tear across the landscape at irregular intervals. At lease they are unpredictable to those not native to the region. The local people and animals have their ways of knowing when a storm is coming, and take measures accordingly. The wind itself is not necessarily the problem, though they do get up to hurricain speeds, it is the sand and dust that they bring with them. Huge sandstorms blast across the landscape at speeds which could flay the skin from an unprotected creature. This causes the landscape to be constantly changing in subtle shifting ways, as dunes are rearranged and rocks eroded.


The region sees very little rainfall, and if it weren't for the other sources of water within the desert it would probably be completely uninhabited. The temperature fluctuates little across the year, reamaing hot and dry all year round, getting about 5-8 degrees cooler in the winter. It does get very cold at night though as there is very little to retain the heat in the land.

Fauna & Flora

Most vegetation is centred around the water sources, and tends to consist of palm trees, spiky grasses and succulents. Though those who live in these areas have introduced flowers and other plants that are able to grow in the climate, to make the desolate landscape around them a little brighter.


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Aug 22, 2024 13:26

Sounds like a lovely place