
Basic Information


The dragons of Gorvak resemble a cross between a lizard and a snake, with wings. They have large wedge shaped heads with long snouts ending in a pair of rather large nostrils, which they can open and shut at will. They have long sinuous necks which merge into a pair of powerful shoulders and a large chest. Their forelimbs, the only legs they have, are jointed at the elbow and end in a pair of claws with large sharp talons. Their claws have four talons to the front and one opposite which allows them to grasp things, like a bird.   Sprouting from the back of their shoulders, dragons have a pair of large leathery wings, which they tend to fold around their bodies while they are hanging to rest or sleep. They have a large ribcage, to house their poison glands, as well the usual organs, though have two livers. The rest of their body merges almost seamlessly into their long and powerful prehensile tail, which takes up a third of their full length. This tail tapers into a deadly spike, through which they can inject poison into their victims. being able to add poison also their bite and spit, makes dragons particularly lethal from both ends.


Dragons are extremely intelligent animals, and appear to have a quite complex form of communication, through a series of sounds and body language. They are capable of learning from single encounters, and then adapting for next time, much to the concern of those brave idiots who have taken up dragon hunting for a living.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

One of the more disturbing things most people note upon seeing a dragon for the first time, is that they have eyes in the backs of their heads as well as in the front. They are almost identical other than the ones in the front have vertically slitted pupils, and the ones in the back have horizontally slitted pupils. It is unknown, what difference this alternate slitting means to a dragon from a sensory perspective, but it has been proven that they can see just as well from both sets eyes.


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