The Everwatch

Deep within the Citadel, bound in endless slumber, lies the silent form of the Dreamer. Protecting their eternal ward are the Everwatch, an elite unit of guardians Oathbound in service to the Dreamer, even in death. Each member of the Everwatch is an undead skeleton who's soul was bound to their remains many centuries ago. Their soul purpose is to protect the Dreamer and ensure they are not woken.  
No matter how many times I've conducted the rituals, I still get an itch between my shoulder blades whenever I have to turn my back on one of them.
— Master Tuner Kelso
  According to the Book, before the Dreamer entered their self enforced sleep, they were a great ruler of the lands and were protected by an elite unit of bodyguards. Each of these guards was selected for their unswerving loyalty and martial prowess, all of them having served, and survived, with the Dreamer during the first corruption war. When it came time for the Dreamer to entomb themselves away to save the world, each of these guards volunteered their eternal souls to protect them even in death.       There isn't much surviving information on how the whole process worked, but the Weavers have been able to piece together a little. The guards first had to purify themselves over several days of ritual and meditation. After this they underwent the Oathbinding ritual, during which they all swore to protect the Dreamer for eternity. They were then slain, and their souls temporarily stored somehwere, while their bodies were reduced to clean bones. Their souls were then bound back to their bones at which point they became animated skeletons.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy



Before sleeping, the Dreamer ordered the creation of enchanted weaponry for each member of the Everwatch. This was done before their deaths and they were each allowed to select their weapons of choice according to their individual skills. The art of creating such weapons has long since been lost to the corruption, so it is impossible to say what magics were wrought upon them, but each piece carried by the Everwatch looks in immaculate condition to this day. It has been proven a few times over the centuries, as well, that they remain as sharp as the day they were made.


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Aug 21, 2024 02:26 by Marjorie Ariel

Wow, that is some dedication. I feel like a member of the everwatch would make a really interesting character in an RPG