Guacando Character in Boricubos | World Anvil
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Guacando is now a dead god, though his influences can still be felt in the world today to the extent that some of his old priests still claim to have remnants of the power he’s granted them, though these claims are to be taken with suspicion. He was a good-natured god in life, and though was not quick to anger, was quick to aid any causes he found to be good and virtuous. He would regularly protect The People of Boricubos against outside invaders, including those from both land and sea.

Guacando was worshipped as a god that not only studied and aided in war, but also peace negotiations. He was not one to fight for a fight’s sake and preferred when conflicts would be over as quickly as possible. As such, he was also the god of differences between peoples, helping bridge the gaps between cultures or issues which needed to be resolved. WithThe Civil War in Boricubos now rising, there are those who desperately pray to him in hopes that this aspect of him can still be reached, so that friends and families could stop killing one another.

Divine Domains

  • Divine Ability: Charisma or Constitution
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Skill: Medicine
  • Favored Weapon: Spear
  • Domains: Family, Healing, Protection, Repose, Trickery
  • Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 3rd: enthrall, 4th: resilient sphere
  • Avatar Spell: Speed 40 feet, air walk; Melee [oneaction] spear (Reach 15 feet, Thrown 40 feet), Damage 6d8+6 piercing; Ranged [[one-action] burst of life (range 120 feet, damages only undead), Damage 46d8+3 positive

Tenets of Faith

  • Edicts: Solve conflicts via dialog, tend the hurt.
  • Anathema: Cause lethal harm to a creature.

Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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