Emerald Bark Citadel


The Emerald Bark Citadel serves as the headquarters and training ground for the Order of the Oakmother. Situated in the heart of Viridia, a lush and verdant island, the Citadel is a sanctuary where nature and civilization exist in perfect harmony. It is here that the Order trains its members in the arts of herbalism, healing, and combat, preparing them to protect and preserve the natural world.  


The Emerald Bark Citadel is centrally located on the island of Viridia, which lies to the west and north of Solara, the homeland of the Sun Elves and the seat of the Ar'Tel Dominion. This proximity fosters a unique relationship between the two islands, each with its own distinct culture and natural beauty.  

Structure and Design

The Citadel itself is a marvel of architecture, designed to blend seamlessly with its natural surroundings. Built from stone and wood, the structures are intricately carved with motifs of leaves, animals, and vines, reflecting the Order's dedication to nature. The buildings are positioned around the Green Crystal Tree, the heart and soul of the Citadel.  

Key Features

Green Crystal Tree: At the center of the Citadel stands the Green Crystal Tree, a magnificent and mysterious tree made of an unknown crystalline material. This tree is revered as a sacred symbol of the Order and is believed to possess powerful healing and protective properties.   Training Grounds: Surrounding the Citadel are various training areas, including open fields, secluded clearings, and forested paths. Here, initiates practice their combat skills, learn to navigate the wilderness, and train in survival techniques.   Herbal Gardens: The Citadel is home to extensive gardens filled with a wide variety of medicinal plants and herbs. These gardens are used for teaching herbalism, creating healing potions, and experimenting with new herbal remedies.   Healing Halls: These halls are dedicated to the study and practice of healing. Equipped with various herbs, potions, and magical artifacts, the Healing Halls are where initiates learn to mend wounds, cure illnesses, and use their knowledge of nature to heal both people and the environment.   Meditation Glades: Scattered throughout the Citadel grounds are serene glades where members of the Order can meditate, reflect, and commune with nature. These glades are often used for rituals and ceremonies as well.   Library of Lore: The Citadel houses a vast library containing ancient texts, scrolls, and books on herbalism, healing, combat techniques, and the history of the Order. This library is a valuable resource for all members and is used for both study and research.  

Training and Life at the Citadel

Life at the Emerald Bark Citadel is one of discipline, learning, and harmony with nature. Initiates undergo rigorous training that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual development. They learn to respect and harness the power of nature, using its resources responsibly and defending it from harm.  

Training at the Citadel includes:

  Herbalism and Healing: Initiates are taught to identify, harvest, and use medicinal plants to create healing potions and remedies. They learn to treat various ailments and injuries using both natural and magical methods.   Combat Skills: Training includes mastery of weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and tactical maneuvers. Initiates are trained to defend themselves and others, and to protect the natural world from those who would exploit or destroy it.   Survival Skills: Initiates learn to navigate and survive in the wilderness, using their knowledge of nature to find food, water, and shelter. They are also taught to understand and respect the creatures of the wild.   Spiritual Practices: The Order places great emphasis on spiritual growth and connection with nature. Initiates engage in meditation, rituals, and ceremonies to deepen their bond with the natural world and the Green Crystal Tree.  

Mission and Values

The Emerald Bark Citadel is dedicated to the protection and preservation of nature. The Order of the Oakmother believes in living in harmony with the environment and defending it from those who would do it harm. Upon completing their training, newly inducted Paladins, known as Oakwardens, are sent out from the Citadel to explore Eldetha and ensure that nature is respected and preserved.   The Emerald Bark Citadel on the island of Viridia stands as a testament to the Order's dedication to their cause. It is a place of learning, healing, and strength, where the future guardians of nature are forged and sent out to uphold the Order's noble mission across Eldetha.
Owning Organization


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