

  Firbolgs are reclusive beings who live in secluded forest strongholds, choosing to exist in harmony with nature. Known for their deep connection to the woods and their formidable druidic magic, Firbolgs maintain their secretive existence through powerful magical wards that keep their settlements off maps. They are largely detached from the wider world, only engaging in outside conflicts when their forests are threatened.

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: Typically between 7 and 8 feet tall
  • Weight: Between 240 and 300 pounds
  • Build: Large and sturdy, with a solid and muscular frame
  • Fur: Thick fur ranging from earthy tones like brown and ruddy red to cool grays and blues
  • Face: Somewhat cow-like with long, floppy, pointed ears and broad, pink noses; can also resemble other animals they live among in the wild

Society and Culture

Firbolgs live in isolated tribes within forested areas, using druidic magic to remain hidden from outsiders. They prefer a peaceful existence, focusing on maintaining the health of their environment and intervening in external conflicts only when their forests are at risk. Their isolation allows them to avoid the politics and struggles of other races.

Key Aspects

  • Forest Guardians: Deeply connected to and protective of their forest homes.
  • Druidic Magic: Utilize nature-based magic to blend into their surroundings and ensure their secrecy.
  • Seclusion: Remain hidden from the outside world, engaging with it only when their environment is threatened.

Relations with Other Races

Firbolgs generally avoid interaction with other races unless necessary to protect their forests. They maintain neutrality and only involve themselves in external conflicts when their natural habitat is at risk. Their secluded nature often leads to misunderstandings with other races, who may view them as aloof or detached.

Common Traits

  • Camouflage: Use magic to stay hidden and safeguard their forest homes.
  • Druidic Powers: Harness powerful nature magic to influence and heal their surroundings.
  • Peaceful Nature: Prefer to avoid conflict unless it poses a threat to their environment, reflecting their desire for harmony.

Race Traits and Abilities

  • Age: Mature in their late teens and live up to 500 years.
  • Size: Medium (7 to 8 feet tall, weighing 240 to 300 pounds).
  • Speed: 30 feet.
  • Firbolg Magic: Can cast detect magic and disguise self spells using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability. At 3rd level, they can also cast silence once per long rest.
  • Hidden Step: As a bonus action, become invisible until the start of the next turn or until they make an attack or cast a spell. Usable once per short or long rest.
  • Powerful Build: Count as one size larger for determining carrying capacity and weight limits.
  • Speech of Beast and Leaf: Can communicate with plants and animals, allowing for basic understanding and responses.
  • Firbolg Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.


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