

The proud and formidable Leonin hail from the island of Icoa, a verdant and mysterious land isolated from the wider world. These lion-like humanoids are organized into nomadic prides that roam their lush homeland, relying on their own resources and shunning outside influence. While the Leonin maintain a strong connection to their homeland, some members of their kind venture beyond Icoa, driven by a desire to explore and test their strength in the wider world. Their history with the gods is fraught with tension; after enduring suffering and oppression at the hands of their deities, many Leonin rejected divine worship. They do not deny the gods' existence but regard them as fickle and unworthy of reverence.  

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: Typically 6.5 to 7.5 feet tall.
  • Build: Muscular and powerful, resembling lions in their physique.
  • Fur Color: Ranges from golden yellows and browns to deeper reddish tones.
  • Mane: Many Leonin have a thick mane of fur around their necks and shoulders, varying in color from their body fur.
  • Eyes: Predominantly golden or amber, reflecting their feline nature.
  • Face: Lion-like with a pronounced snout and expressive features.

Society and Culture

Leonin society revolves around their nomadic prides, which function as tight-knit family units. These prides travel across the island of Icoa, living in harmony with the land and avoiding unnecessary conflict. Their culture values strength, honor, and self-reliance. They are skilled hunters and warriors, using their physical prowess and natural instincts to thrive in their environment. Despite their generally reclusive nature, Leonin who leave Icoa often seek to prove their valor and gain new experiences, though they remain wary of forming lasting ties with other races.  

Key Aspects

  • Pride Structure: Organized into nomadic prides that operate as close-knit family groups.
  • Warrior Culture: Emphasize strength, honor, and martial skill.
  • Isolationist Tendencies: Generally avoid interactions with outsiders, preferring the familiarity of their homeland.
  • Rejection of Deities: Most Leonin view gods as unreliable and unworthy of worship due to historical grievances.

Relations with Other Races

Leonin are typically cautious and reserved around other races. Their isolationist tendencies and troubled history with deities contribute to a general wariness of outsiders. While they maintain their independence and are reluctant to form alliances, some Leonin venture beyond their homeland to engage with other cultures, seeking to test their strength and gain new insights. Their relationships with other races are often shaped by their interactions and the respect they earn through their actions.  

Common Traits

Powerful Build: Known for their strength and physical prowess, making them formidable combatants. Hunter’s Instincts: Enhanced senses and reflexes aid in tracking and combat. Pride Loyalty: Deeply loyal to their pride and its members, with a strong sense of family and duty.

Race Traits and Abilities

  • Age: Mature at the same rate as humans but can live up to 150 years.
  • Size: Medium (typically 6.5 to 7.5 feet tall and muscular)
  • Speed: 35 feet
  • Darkvision: 60 feet
  • Feline Agility: Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while moving at least 10 feet.
  • Lion’s Roar: Once per long rest, can use a fearsome roar to force creatures within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
  • Pride’s Strength: Proficiency in the Athletics skill. Gain a +2 bonus to Strength checks and saving throws.
  • Languages: Common, Leonin


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