Magnus Infinium

General Description

The Magnus Infinium is the elite city guard of Ebonkeep, known for their dual training in both weapon combat and magical arts. This prestigious group is tasked with maintaining order and security within the city, as well as safeguarding the knowledge and arcane secrets held by House Visk.  

Key Features

Elite Training: Members of the Magnus Infinium undergo rigorous training in both martial and magical disciplines. They are skilled swordsmen, archers, and spellcasters, making them versatile and formidable defenders of Ebonkeep.   Arcane Proficiency: Each guard is proficient in basic spells and magical techniques, enabling them to handle a wide range of threats, from mundane criminals to magical incursions. Their magical training includes wards, counterspells, and offensive spells.   Uniform and Armament: Guards wear distinctive black surcoats adorned with silver stars. Their armor is often enchanted for enhanced protection, and they carry both conventional weapons and wands or staves.  

Roles and Responsibilities

City Patrol: The Magnus Infinium patrols the streets of Ebonkeep, ensuring law and order. Their presence deters crime and reassures citizens of their safety.   Special Missions: Members of the Magnus Infinium are often called upon for special assignments, such as investigating magical disturbances, apprehending rogue mages, or protecting dignitaries.  

Recruitment and Training

Selection Process: Recruitment into the Magnus Infinium is highly competitive. Prospective members must demonstrate exceptional skill in both physical combat and magical aptitude. Those who pass the initial selection undergo a rigorous training regimen.   Training Regimen: Training includes advanced martial techniques, spellcasting, strategy, and tactics. Recruits are also educated in the history and lore of Ebonkeep and the Azmarian Republic, emphasizing the importance of their role in protecting the city's heritage and secrets.


Commander: The Magnus Infinium is led by Commander Zareth Ashenveil, a tiefling with deep red skin, black horns that curve back over her head, and piercing golden eyes. Known for her tactical brilliance and unwavering dedication to the protection of Ebonkeep, Commander Ashenveil is both feared and respected by those under her command.


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