Teu-tel Triumvirate Organization in Boriel | World Anvil

Teu-tel Triumvirate (Two-Tell Trai-uhm-vuh-ruht)

The Triumvirate is governed by the three leading Houses of the Moon Elves or "Teu-Tel" as they are known in their native Elvish.   Steeped in tradition the Triumvirate has endure by a strict policy of non involvment. A police that has often gained them a great level of mistrust and suspision by their neighours. While many compare the ruling of the Triumvirate to that of the Drow and their similar Great ouse structure, the Triumvirate leadership closer to that of a democricy with its native citizens pledging themselves to a house durring and election cycle following the leader of that house for the following 25 years.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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