The Queen of Air and Darkness Character in Boriel | World Anvil

The Queen of Air and Darkness

The Queen of Dark Fey, The Ever Present Shadow, The Queen of Deception.

The Queen of Air and Darkness is the ruler of coalition of Fey known as The Unseelie Court, this coalition is traditionally viewed as "Dark" Fey. She also rules directly over the The Winter Court a small court within the coalition.   The Queen of Air and Darkness is diametrically opposed to Queen Titania in all things except the protections and sanctity of the Feywild. The two have even been known to join forces when external forces have threatened the Feywild, though their endless war quickly resumed once the threat was dealt with.

Cruel interests

Very few know the name of the Queen of Air and Darkness and even fewer would dare to speak it out loud. It is said that to speak the name of the Queen of Air and Darkness is to summon her to you. An intrusion that she does not take lightly. The Queen of Air and Darkness is known for her practice of torturing mortal men whom she seduces but later grows bored of.
"Once you're mine, you're mine forever."
The Queen of Air and Darkness to a mortal who asked to return to The Material Plane.
  While not evil in the traditional sense, The Unseelie can be malicious and cruel, and often enjoy making sport of mortals for little more than their own amusement, an act that the Queen of Air and Darkness has been known to encourage in her courtiers.
Current Location
Sometimes Dark Red, Sometimes Electric Blue
Sometimes Red, Sometimes Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
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