
(a.k.a. The Sea Serpent)


Watashka is the Serpent God of the Sea, a powerful deity who commands the oceans and all their mysteries. He is depicted as an immense serpent with scales the color of the deepest ocean depths, his eyes glowing with an eerie bioluminescence. Watashka's realm includes not just the physical seas, but also the storms, currents, and creatures that inhabit them.   Watashka's followers, known as the Tideborn, revere him as the master of the seas, conducting rituals by the shoreline and offering sacrifices to appease his hunger. Sailors and fishermen often pray to Watashka for safe passage and bountiful catches, knowing that his favor can mean the difference between life and death on the open water. His anger is feared, as he can summon tempests and tidal waves to obliterate those who offend him.   Watashka's cruelty is as vast as the oceans he controls. He enjoys toying with his victims, often dragging them to the depths to drown slowly, or setting his Leviathans upon their ships to tear them apart. Entire fleets have been lost to his whims, and coastal towns have been swallowed by tsunamis sent as punishment.   Legends tell of Watashka's creation of the Leviathans, massive sea creatures that patrol the depths and serve as his enforcers. These creatures are said to be able to swallow ships whole, and their appearance is often seen as a sign of Watashka's displeasure. His temples are usually located near the coast, often hidden in sea caves accessible only at low tide.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect the power of the sea and its creatures.
  • Use the oceans to expand your influence and power.
  • Sacrifice to Watashka to ensure safe passage and favorable tides.
  • Fear Watashka's wrath, for he delights in the suffering of those who defy him.
Divine Classification
God (Ascention)


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