A'arock's Mine Field

Spell Name: A'arock's Mine Field   Spell Type: Spell   MP Cost: 20 MP Per Mine Placed   Casting Time: 1 Actions   Range: Touch (40 ft)   Target: An Area   Duration: Scroll Down   Spell Code: Unknown   Material Cost: 1 Cup Of Sulfur       This spell creates an invisible mine field that damages all whom cross it   This mine field lasts 1 hour per level of the Spell Caster [Mage Level And Player/NPC Level]   The caster can place (Caster Level)D10 mines {5 ft. by 5 ft. squares} anywhere that are spread around a 40 ft. diameter area.   When a creature enters a square, it takes 1d4 (+1 per level of the caster) fire damage (save for half). Any living thing can trigger the trap.


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