
Name: Azazel   Status: Alive   Note: She has a small crush on Beelzebub   AU: 666   Motivation: She loves Creating and Researching Stuff   Mental Flaw: She tends to avoid things that dont have to her with her Research   Sex: Female   Age: ?   Race: Do-mon-an   Do-mon-an Job: She is one of the Five Royal Scientist Of Hell [She is now The Head Royal Scientist]   Height: 5,4       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Extra Info---   She does not favor or dislike humans   ---Projects She Worked On---   Pestilence   Zombie Plague   She made some the first Geus   Project Antichrist   ---Powers---   Unknown   ---Skills----   Unknown   ---Technique---   Unknown   ---Loyalty---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Unknown   ---Languages---   Common   Demonic Tongue   ---Stats---   Vitality: ?   Strength: ?   Magic: ?   Spirit: ?   Agility: ?


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