Black Fly Species in BossVerse | World Anvil

Black Fly

Race: Black Fly   Max-Age: 20 Days   Size: Tiny       Pro:   Can Fly   Bite [Deals 1 Points of Damage] {Nat Ones can make this 2 Points Of Damage} {A Nat one can also cause the Target to roll for Disease}   Roll Advantage on Dodging   Swarm Of Flies [It has a walking speed of 5 feet, a fly speed of 20 feet, and no climbing speed. In addition, any creature hit by the swarm's bite must check for Filth Fever as above.]       Con:   None       Note:   It's a Fly ._.       ---Starting Stats---   Vitality: 1   Strength: 1   Magic: 0   Spirit: 20   Agility: 1 [Flying: 5]


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