Calla Character in BossVerse | World Anvil


Name: Calla Felskeilo [Cal-a] [Just google how to say the last name :'(] [Nickname: The Sword Queen]   Status: Alive   Note: She is the queen of Thay   AU: 343   Rank: Noble   Job: Queen   Kingdom: Thay   Motivation: ?   Mental Flaw: ?   Sex: Female   Age: ?   Race: Human   Level: 10   HP: 200   Height: 5,4       Strength: 18   Charisma: 11   Wisdom: 15   Intelligence: 10   Constitution: 18   Dexterity: 18       ---Powers---   Immense Strength   Unknown [rewatch fight]   Advantage 5X with Swords   Thought Acceleration   ---Skills----   One-Handed Swordsmanship = Legendary   Two-Handed Swordsmanship = Master+   Hand To Hand Combat = Novice+   Business = Master   Mage = Unknown   ---Loyalty---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Unknown   ---Languages---   Common


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