Race: CUSTOM {Nova}   Max-Age: ?   Size: Medium       Pro:   Mana Magic   Staff Proficiency [Eda's staff helps focus her magic and serves as her main mode of transportation. Owlbert, the staff's palisman, can come to life and detach himself, which Eda mainly uses for retrieving items from the human realm]   Palisman communication [Eda is able to communicate with and understand Owlbert]   Superhuman strength [Eda was shown to be strong enough to smash rock-solid substances with her bare hands, especially as a way of getting Hooty to tell her where Luz ran off to. One strike from her fist cracked the wall and shook the whole house. Even after the loss of her magic, she is still very strong (e.g. can break through a wall of ice using her head without any injury)]       Con:   ?       Note:   ?
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