Cyan Blue Slime

Race: Cyan Blue Slime   Max-Age: 12   Bump: 0   Stats: 11 [13 Dex]   Food Source: Water       Pro:   Slippery [The slime has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple]   Damage Immunities = Acid and Poison   They can jump like 14 Feet   Curse Sense   Magic Drain/Storage [They can drain Mana from stuff] {They can also Store with Mana inside themselves}       Con:   Roll Disadvantage on Strength   Take extra Cold/Frost Damage       Note:   None       ---Starting Stats---   Vitality: 10   Strength: 1.5   Magic: 0   Faith: 0   Spirit: 12   Agility: 6   Endurance: :/
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