Domain Explained

Domain Expansion is an barrier thingy. It constructs the user's domain inside a barrier infused with their Mana/Spiritual Aspects/Abilities  

Common Buffs

  Sure-Hit Effect   Bonus Damage: The Damage you deal will be 2X greater   Damage Reduction: The Damage they deal to you will be 30% less than normal  

Domain Types

  Lethal Domains:   Domains that are expanded to be lethal are constructed within a barrier imbued with the user's mana. The caster's abilities are amplified and any power deployed within the domain are guaranteed to hit their target. This sure-hit factor is derived from the barrier's embedded technique, which is what makes this type of domain considered lethal. These can't-miss attacks can't even be stopped by Infinity. However, not all guaranteed hits are necessarily lethal. Kinji Hakari's domain technically possesses a sure-hit function, but it only transfers information to its target in exchange for faster activation and strength in a clash of domains.   Lethal domain expansions require immense skill and mana to construct. Not only do they require the user to manifest a massive artificial environment, but they must be able to erect their barrier and infuse it with their mana in a timely fashion as well.   Non-Lethal Domains:   "In the past, Domain Expansion was a more common technique because domains weren't constructed to be fatal. They only forced targets inside to obey the rules of the embedded technique. As more domains were constructed to be lethal, the number of users greatly decreased over time." - ill rework later   Incomplete Domains:   Domains that are expanded using only Mana without an embedded technique are incomplete even if they include a barrier. In most cases, the same applies to domains without a fully enclosed barrier. Closing the barrier fully integrates the embedded technique into the domain and enables its sure hit effect. Without that, the caster will only receive some of the buffs without a can't-miss attack. Barriers forcibly enclosed using the shape of an outside environment also do not incorporate can't-miss attacks.   Open Domain:   I might write this later :/  


  A high-risk, high-reward maneuver, Domain Expansion provides a great advantage at the cost of an immense amount of Mana.  


  Domains are nearly impossible to escape from the inside. The cubic volume of the space appears completely different on the inside, making finding the boundary's location difficult for anyone trapped inside. Anyone searching for the edge of the domain is likely to be killed by its can't-miss attack and the barrier is reinforced from the inside even if they did find it. However, the more the barrier is reinforced from the inside, the more vulnerable it is to penetration from the outside. In specific situations, an ally of the domain's target can break in from the outside to rescue them  

Domain Clash

  The best countermeasure against an opposing domain is to expand one's own domain. This will engage both combatants into a clash of domains where the more refined domain will conquer. The time it takes for one domain to dominate in a clash varies on that difference in refinement. In the case of overlapping domains, sure-hit effects/buffs cancel each other out. When two domains are completely even and the users fight with their domains open, the moment one combatant takes heavy damage or their domain collapses, the other's can't-miss attack will immediately strike. A clash of three domains is even more complicated than two and too many conflicting factors can cause the barriers to shatter before the domains are completely formed.   Domain clashes don't always have to result in one domain conquering the other. Using Domain Expansion against a more refined domain can create a hole in the barrier for them to escape from as well.  


  Level: 0   Has a Chance to Fail {WISDOM CHECK}   Level: 1-6   ?   Level: 7-10   ?

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