Dominate Spell in BossVerse | World Anvil

Dominate (Spell)

This spell can have 4 Different effects   NOTE: This spell drains your mana until you cancel the spell, or you run out of mana.   Some of these wont work if they have M.R. 4 or Higher       ---Slow--- Cost: 20 MP   A spell that slows the advance of your enemy and you deal more damage upon them   ---Confusion--- Cost: 80 MP   A spell that makes your enemies attack a random enemy, meaning they may attack the Leader, The Minions, or anything else that is breathing   ---Betrayal--- Cost: 100 MP   A spell that causes your enemies to attack each other, thus saving you the trouble   ---Submission--- Cost: 120 MP   A spell which stops your enemies from attacking you and your minions   Also makes them answer you and obey you
Effect Duration
60 Seconds = 30 Seconds = 30 Seconds = 5 Minutes [This scales for how much Mana you use + How weak the target is]
Effect Casting Time
1-60 Minutes


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