Draconic Tongue Language in BossVerse | World Anvil

Draconic Tongue


  Draconic is a language which has been spoken by dragons since prehistoric times. It is one of the most ancient of mortal languages


NON WORDS [This is a list of words that they don't have words for] {Are}   Clobish = "This is like worse than the N Word for Dragons"   Mag-ki = Magic   Di = You   Dis = Yours   U = Use   Pris = through   Dovah = Dragon   Kin = Brother/Sister   Devo = Strength/Strong   Time = Alda   Higher Power/God/Something like that = Geient   After = Mindin   Mortal = Humans/Orcs/Elves and few other creatures   cilla = Darkness   Hear = Hon   My = Dii   Voice = Zul   The = Vul   On = Nau   Own = Meyar   Hour = Omaar   Killer/Slayer/Murder = Zeim   Fight = Zok   ---Unknown Words---   Me/I'm   Bow   To   Take   Life   Defeat   stop   Stopped   Door   Water   Sins   Sky   Freedom   Slave   Ground   Underground   Story/Legend   Alive   Flame/Fire   Soul   Power   Noise/Sound   Born/Birth   God   Death/Deadly


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